Copyright offers a level of security to creators over their creative expression, including artistic works (e.g., paintings, sculptures), musical works (e.g., sound recordings), literary works, computer software, and more. The purpose of copyright is to protect your talent against any kind of imitation. Thus, here is the list of practices included in our holistic copyright service:


  • Registering for copyright with detailed attention to all paperwork and other requirements.
  • Managing your copyright portfolio, ensuring all creative works are clearly identified, registered, and maintained to maximize the value of your copyright assets.
  • Assisting in copyright licensing, ensuring your interests are protected and rights are preserved, whether seeking copyright material or permitting others to use.
  • In cases of copyright infringement, our experienced litigators seek civil and criminal remedies, including injunctions and damages.


IPNeeti has a proven track record of representing our clients across diverse industries in copyright registration and enforcement matters. For comprehensive copyright related advice, contact us today!